So, there I was at Costco with my twin boys heading to the check-out line. I did such a good job at by-passing the book section when we first started because the last thing that I need right now is another book. But, then I accidentally (ok, maybe it wasn't an accident...) looked toward those beautiful and shiny new books and saw a big poster board with this book on it and at the bottom it said "clean teen read". And, lo and behold, the author was right there signing copies. Well, normally I don't like to make eye contact with the authors that come to Costco. Here is why: I feel guilty if I don't buy their book, and I hate to feel guilty. But, this author looked so nice and friendly and I remembered that my sister had actually read this series and liked it. So, I stopped to chat...and buy a book...
This book was a bit choppy and confusing at spots, (and I found a few editing errors that bugged me) but it almost didn't matter because I was really drawn into the story, the unfolding murder mystery, and even the mushy teen romance/drama. And, the main character was very likable...in a flawed and sincere way.
I have a 15 year old daughter and I tried to read this through her eyes. I think that if I'd read it from my very adult perspective, I might have rolled my eyes a bit. But, as I read, I remembered being a teenager, being "in like", making tough decisions about sticking to my convictions and I found that it was really quite easy to relate to (minus witnessing a murder and being chased by "bad guys"!)
What I also liked about this book is that I can let my teenage daughters read it. I don't have to worry about any unquestionable material. There was no sex, just some age-appropriate kissing and holding hands, etc. It was a fun read and I'm hoping the next book is even better.
Stars: 3 1/2
Prude Police: one swear word
I love this series! I just learned that there's another one coming out in October and the author is working on the next book after that (I thought it was ending at 3, but can see how it can keep going). You can get this free on the Kindle and the other two are $3.99 each.
ReplyDeleteI am always happy to hear about another clean fiction for our youth! 3 cheers for chastity chargers;)